The story
The thoughts behind Limoné shop
Really the story would be quite long, but if we just escalate it a bit down it would go a little like this.
I always wanted to have a store with a various selection of generally neutral wear for many years, but it was not easy to find, at least not for me. Since my first born came to this world in 2010 I was really struggling to find any neutral wear for my boy. By the time he grew up and became a little boy with his own opinions about what he should wear. 7 yeas later we welcomed another boy, and now I was really looking forward to find soft, lovely neutral wear for my little one, but after a while I did not find pleasure of using huge amount of money on childrens wear that was the same as every other kid in the neighborhood. Really there where like just a few brands , and everyone bought the same. I could not identify myself with the fact that we almost dressed the same, so I thought there must be more than that out there, but how would I figure that out, where to start, where to look ? 2,5years later another little boy is born into this world, the world was at that time changing due to covid19, I was supposed to return to my job Wich is my other company, but it was simply Impossible since everything was shut down due to lockdown. I was desperate! There I was, home everyday with my boys, not able to leave the home, no job, no money, no nothing. The pressure made me make a quick decision , I decided to find out how to open a online universe with neutral wear for the little ones. I worked every night for half a year, didn't sleep much. I managed to figure out how to have a proper conversation with korean brands . It was very difficult, but everything worked out with a lot of frustration, sweat and tears. My other half believed in me and decided we should throw the last bit of money we have after this, because he really thought that this was a pretty good investment at the end.
Here I am 2 years later , finally writing my story , a lot have happened, and right now we are finding ourselves in another stressful time with less money due to the war in ukraine , I feel it in my shop, but I know that this is just another financial fight we all have to go through, and eventually we are all back to normal.
Oh and I must not forget to tell the whole thing about the name Limoné shop. The word Limone have many fun facts. My name is Simone, and that rimes on Limone, yes that was one of many nicknames I had back in public school , this was one of the better ones...
When I was young, I went to italy with my parents, and one day I was standing in front of an ice cream counter, realising that Limoné was a name of an ice cream , its funny because at that time I did not even know what it meant, I was just like, look mom , that ice cream almost has the same name as me, just with an L !
So that name followed me for years, and what a great idea to call my little shop after a child memory of mine.
Love from Simone // Limoné shop